Obviously, flash mobs are a product of advanced communication tools (txt, email, FB) that allow mass-messages to be sent in seconds. It is hard to imagine a flash mob being organized by telegraph or over the phone. I picture someone sitting down with a rotary phone and a list of a hundred people -- not gonna happen. But now someone can create a Facebook group and invite the people they want in on the prank, or type up a txt message and send it to dozens of contacts.
I suppose I should define "flash mob." It is a mob that comes seemingly out of nowhere, in a public place, and does something (usually) harmless and completely random. The bystanders usually catch a good show, especially when the mob performs a dance, which seems to be the most popular type of flash mob. Flash mobs can also pull off hilarious pranks, like this one that I found on Youtube:
Reading up on these things makes me hope that some day soon I get a text message that invites me to be a part of one.